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  1. Jonathan
    02/08/2022 @ 08:29

    Thanks a lot for the very good article! It’s hard to find an honest piece of information about the realities of investing in your 20s-30s, and yours is very much to the point (and echoing my reflections about investing in real estate in Brussels pretty well!).
    Any chance you could give us an update on your situation now? Still invested in stocks/crypto rather than real estate? Still happy about it?


  2. Claudia
    13/01/2021 @ 21:44

    Very good and complete article. ROI in Brussels is hardly 3-4% , investing in bitcoin / shares is going bigger and better.

    Small correction for who has no other knowledge of investments:
    – banks are giving easily loans for freelancers. I received it. My friend single mom too.
    – the small interest offered by banks are pushing down the monthly mortgage comparing to rents. More, after 5 years is getting better as mortgage is smaller thanks to renegotiations and rent is raised with annual indexation.
    -there is tax deduction. Ok, rules are changing, this tax deduction makes the difference between buy or not
    -you can push your home to produce. As owner you can make house greener with 1% loans and green subventions, finally the cut of the bills to cover the small loans, or to declare professional activity at home (speaking for freelancers)
    – the house price raised in time in Brussels . Look for last 15 years, or only 5 years. With a good hunt and better negotiation, buying with a price under market is going to be a very well business
    -mortgage is an investment without money. Some banks are still offering 110% mortgages. For some people is the only investment, once effort (the buy year effort) and then payment is replacing rent. 6 years ago I did my best as I knew nothing about investments, now we are in the FIRE group.


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